Wednesday 4 December 2013

Athletic Sports

Athletic Sports was such a fun day! We had lots a great time doing all of the activities like the obstacle course, dress up races, egg and spoon races and the tree legged race. What a fun day! After morning tea we all ran as fast as rockets in our running races. Here are some phtos from the day:

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Our Trip

What a wonderful day we had yesterday! We went to the Bartlett's Dairy Farm and also to Mt Lees Reserve. It was such a fun day. The weather was amazing and the children had a great time.
Thank you to the Bartletts and the staff at the farm. All of the activities were really interesting and exciting.
Thank you to the parent helpers for your help today! We couldnt have done the trip with out you!


Thursday 7 November 2013

Role Models

Today the role models are Natala and Matthew. They both did great handwriting.

When we are doing handwriting we have been learning to:
-Hold our pen the right way
-Start our letters in the right place
-Sit our letters on the line
-Keep our letters close together in a word

Well done Natala and Matthew


Wednesday 6 November 2013

Fireman Visit

Today two fireman came to visit Room 7 to teach us about fire safety. We shared what we have learnt with them and then we practiced how to safely leave our classroom when there is a fire. We had to get down, get low and get out - fast and we had to shout 'fire, fire, fire' as we walked quickly to our safe meeting place. The fireman talked to us about their very important job of putting out fires and how they keep safe in a fire.

Thank Mr Darling and Mr Thomas for helping us to learn how to be safe in a fire.

Thank you to all the parents who have spent time discussing their fire safety plan with their children.

Monday 4 November 2013

Yummy Stickers

Throughout the year, many students from our school have been collecting yummy stickers. Mrs Otter gathered them all up and sent them off to get counted. In return we get FREE sports gear! This year we asked for touch balls and cones. Thank you to the students who collected stickers and to Mrs Otter for organising the whole thing!

Here is a photo of our top six collectors:

Sunday 3 November 2013

Our Class Trip

Dear Parents/Caregivers

On Wednesday the 20th of November Rooms 7 and 1 are going on a trip to the Bartlett’s family Dairy Farm and Mt Lees Reserve.  The purpose of this trip is to encourage children to manage themselves in a range of environments and to provide learning experiences outside the classroom. We will be leaving school by bus at 9:15am and then we will be returning by approximately 2pm. Unfortunately it will not be appropriate for pre schoolers to come on this trip.

The cost of the trip will be $7.

Your child will need to have the following items for the trip:

-School bag

-Lunch and drink bottle

-A warm jersey

-Covered shoes (no jandals or sandals)


Could you please fill out the following permission slip and return it to school with your payment by Friday the 15th November.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Go Room 7!

We have been doing lots of learning about how to be role models. Today we have 3 role models.

Jordan - For persevering at packing his bag all on his own (it was a bit tricky). Ka Pai!

Jayden - For persevering to turn his jersey in the right way. Keep it up Jayden

Max - For looking after all of his belongings (he took all of his things home today). Well done Max!


Room 7 has been learning about firewise.
We have learnt about how to be safe around fire e.g. a heater, a stove, the fire place, a bbq.
Today we learnt about fire alarms and what to do when we hear one. This is what we learnt:

1. Stop what we are doing
2. Get out of the room 'FAST'
3. Shut the door (if you are the last one)
4. Go to our safe meeting place (Outside Room 5 and 6)

Room 7 practiced what to do:
Here is a photo of us at our safe meeting place

Thank you to all the parents who have discussed with their children where their safe meeting place is at their house.


After morning tea Room 7 read from their books boxes. We have to put the book box in the middle of the group. We pick a book out and then turn around so we dont distract others. We read our book outloud or in our minds. When we have finished the book we quickly choose another one to read. Here are some role models from yesterday.

Monday 28 October 2013

Ka Pai Hilton

Toda,y Hilton walk to class and did his jobs on his own.

You are a super role model Hilton!

Thursday 24 October 2013

Problem Solving

Our role model of the day is Maia. Yesterday, Maia couldn't pack her pack. She had to keep persevering to solve her problem and she did it all on her own. Today she asked Mrs Lynch for some help packing her bag and then she said: '

'Oh no, I remember how I solved the problem yesterday!"

Great problem solving Maia!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Our Wonderful Role Models

Today Angus and Jesse are our role models. They both look at the teacher when she is talking. That is how we listen. Well done!


Tuesday 22 October 2013

Cross Country

I was really proud of all the children in Room 7 today. They all did a wonderful job running around the paddock! Some of the hills were quite steep and there were lots of prickles to keep away from. It was great to see lots of smiles at the end. Great persevering Room 7!

Monday 21 October 2013

Role Models

We are learning how to be a 'Role Model'. We brainstormed ways to be a role model:

Here are some of our ideas:
-Sit in our learning position
-Look after our things
-Help clean up the classroom
-Be a kind friend

Today we had 2 role models:

Jordan: For helping clean up the classroom

Brooklyn: For being a kind friend

Well done! I wonder who will be the role models tomorrow?

Pet Day

What a fun day we had at Pet Day! Lots of children bought pets along. There were lots of different kinds of animals like dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs, ponies, lambs and calves. The children who didn't bring a pet from Room 7 decorated a gumboot. They looked really fantastic!

Sunday 22 September 2013

Cross Country

Room 7 have been training hard for cross country. The children have set goals about how many laps they would like to run without stopping. We have all been persevering and challenging ourselves to do better each time we train. Cross Country is in week 2 of term 4, so keep training over the holidays!

Well done Room 7! You have all had such positive attitudes towards cross country.

Friday 20 September 2013

Gardening Fun

Today Room 7  ate lettuce and marmite sandwiches. We used the lettuce from the green house. Some of us hadn't had these sandwiches before and we thought they were delicious. Thank you Green Team for letting us have some of the lettuces that you have grown.

After we ate our sandwiches some of Room 7 planted 4 lettuce plants in our garden pots. Jasmine helped us to dig a hole and carefully put the lettuce plants in. We had to push the dirt around them. We are going to water them every day to make them grow.
I wonder what else we can make with the lettuces from our gardens?

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Our Garden Walk

Room 7 went for a walk around our environmental area on Tuesday. We saw lots of different things and we got some ideas about what we would like to plant in our pots outside our classroom.

We saw the chickens in the garden.
We went to the hen house. We saw some strawberries.

 We went to the garden. We saw lots of flowers.
We went to see the flowers in the garden. We went to see the chickens.
We went to the garden. We saw some strawberries.

We went to the garden. We went in the green house.

We saw the compost mixer. We went to look at the chickens.

We looked in the green house and we saw a delicious lettuce to eat. We wrote a letter to Miss Campbell and the Green Team to ask them if we could please have a lettuce to make some tasty marmite and lettuce sandwiches.
Thank you Miss Campbell and the Green Team for all your work and for helping us with our garden.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

The Letter Rr

This week we are learning the letter Rr. How many words can you think of that begin with Rr? Just double click inside the wall wisher below and add your ideas.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Fantastic Finger Painting

On Wednesday we did finger painting with Room 4. We put the gooey and lumpy glue on the paper. We squished the glue and spread it around. The slimy glue stuck to our hands. Some of us thought it was a bit yucky. We listened to the music and then painted the paper with our fingers in time to the beat of the song. Some of the songs were fast and some were slow. We all enjoyed shaking our heads and bobbing our knees to the music.

Thank you Miss Campbell and Room 4 for helping us with the finger painting.

Mmmmmm Milk

On Wednesday Room 7 drank their first container of milk. The milk tasted delicous! We have milk monitors who are going to bring the milk down to our room each day so it is ready for us to drink. Milk is very good for helping us to grow and making our bones strong. Thank you Fonterra for our free milk at school!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Daffodil Day

Today was Daffodil Day. Lots of children dressed up in yellow clothes, some children were very creative. The school had a parade and some children won a prize for the best costume. Thank you to Miss Simpson and the Student Council for another fantastic day.

We cant wait for the next event!

Tuesday 27 August 2013

Art Day

On Monday the Junior Team had an art day. The children had a great time creating different pieces of art. Thank you very much to the lovely parent helpers!

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Photo Hunt

Daniel and Jay worked with a Room 5 buddy to make a photo collage of the letter Hh on the IPAD's. They had to think of words that began with Hh and then find the pictures. Here are the finished prodcuts. Thank you Room 5 buddies, you did a great job!

By Daniel

By Jay

Monday 19 August 2013

Daffodill Day

I wonder what yellow things Room 7 children are going to be wearing?

Saturday 17 August 2013


Wow! What a fun night we had on Friday at the disco. Room 7 showed off their dance moves and boogied the night away right until the last song. Thank you Miss Simpson and the student council for the disco. It was lots of fun for everyone (the children and teachers had a wonderful time)!

Words of the Week

Our words this week are:

Here are some ideas to help your child to learn their words of the week.
       How to learn your Words of the Week.    
Read – look at the word and read it out loud
Say – say the letters in the word out loud
Cover – cover up the word
Write – write the word down
Check – check to see if it’s right.
It’s also great if other people read the words out to you can you write it down.

Here are some more ideas of where you could write them :

·         on a whiteboard or blackboard.
·         on the path with water
·         on the concrete with chalk
·         with dye or paint
·         on the window with special markers.
·         on the computer
·         make the words with magnetic letters or scrabble letters
·         fill old deodorant bottles with dye or running paint.




Thursday 15 August 2013

Shape and Number Hunt

Room 7 and 1 went on a shape and number hunt around the school. Here are some of the photos

Monday 12 August 2013

Maths Week

This week is Maths Week. We have been reading the book 'Pretty Patterns'. We made patterns with the beads and peg boards. Well done Room 7.

Thursday 8 August 2013

The Big Sad Wolf

On Wednesday we watched 'The Big Sad Wolf''. It was such an amazing performance.

We wrote a story together:

We laughed so hard out puku's hurt. The Big Sad Wolf play was hilarious. The funniest part was when the wolf blew the man's clothes off. We could see his flower undies.

By Room 7

Maths Week

Next week is Maths Week. We are going to be doing lots of fun activities to celebrate maths.

Wednesday 31 July 2013


This term for 4 weeks we are doing gymnastics. We are learning to roll, balance, jump, land and swing using the correct technique. Here are some photos of the children doing forward rolls and balancing on the beam. Well done Room 7! You all gave the activities a go and tried your best.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Burger Day

The burgers were super scrumptious! Thank you for making our burgers Miss Simpson and the Student Council.


Visiting the Dental Nurse

The dental nurse trailer is at school at the moment. We have all been to visit the dental nurse. The dental nurse looked at our teeth to check that they are ok. Some children had a silver crown put on their tooth because they had a filling. We all had some cream put in our mouth that tasted like bananas, yum! The dental nurse reminded us that we need to brush our teeth twice a day, in the morning and at night time so our teeth are clean and strong.

Written by Room 7

Photos were taken by Daniel, Matthew and Hilton

Monday 8 July 2013

The Rain

We have been learning about the weather. Today we did an experiment about the rain. We learnt about what clouds are made of and what happens when it rains.

We learnt that clouds are made of water. The clouds get full and are too heavy, then the water falls out of the clouds, this is how it rains.