Monday 25 February 2013

Marae Visit

This term we are going to be learning about Maoritanga. Today we all visited Taumata o te Ra marae in Halcombe. This was the first time alot of children had visited a marae. Here are some of the things that the children learnt:

The girls went onto the marae first.
We had to take our shoes off when we went inside the wharenui.
There are lots of carvings and paintings.
Flax is used to make flowers.

We went to the marae. We saw lots of carvings.

By Room 7

 Keep visiting our blog to see all of our learning.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Jelly in a Bowl

Our poem this week was called Jelly in a Bowl


We wrote a story together about eating jelly.
We ate some jelly. The jelly was shiny like treasure. It was wobbly. The jelly was dancing on our spoons. It was really yummy!

Tuesday 19 February 2013

The Letter Jj

This week we have been learning the letter Jj. We made a word cloud of all the words that begin with Jj.

The student council were selling juicies at lunchtime today. Yum!

Saturday 9 February 2013


We have been learning about different musical instruments and how to keep in time to a beat.



Friday 8 February 2013

Our Garden

On Friday Mrs Simpson helped us to plant our garden. We had to dig a hole, put the plant in gently and then push some dirt around the bottom of the plant and say 'Good luck little plant!" We are going to water our plants everyday to help them grow.


Good Luck Little Plants

Saturday 2 February 2013

Week 1

Room 7 has had a wonderful start to the year. Our goals this week have been:

Doing our jobs before school all by ourselves

We are getting very good at remembering to do our jobs each day before school. We are trying to do these all by ourselves.


Sit still in our learning position:

Here is a photo of Christian and Hilton sitting in their learning positions. They are very good at showing others how to do this.

Hold our pen correctly:
Abbie and Maggie were able to show all of us how to hold our pens for handwriting this week.

We have also been making pictographs. We wanted to find out what lunch box colour there was the most of. Here is a pictograph to show you what we found out: