Wednesday 27 March 2013

Maui and the Sun

We read the legend 'How Maui Slowed the Sun'. We retold the story and used Kidpix to publish our stories.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Mmmmm Muffins

We have been learning the letter Mm this week. We made yummy chocolate muffins and had marshmellows.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Sunshine Books

We are very lucky to have this online reading resource available for this year. Sunshine Books has stories for the children to listen to and activities that go with each book. There is also a section for alphabet knowledge and word practice.

To find this resource, go to the Stories page, which is underneath the blog title and click on the picture. This will take you directly to the page. Click on level 1.


We have been learning about hangi and how they are made. We have written some instructions on how to make a hangi.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Mmmmm Marmite

This week we have been learning the letter Mm.

Last night Room 7 had a challenge. What was coming back today that started with the letter Mm?

In the Christchurch earthquake the Marmite factory was damaged so Marmite couldnt be made for a while.

We made marmite sandwiches. They tasted marvellous!!!!!!

Monday 18 March 2013


Something exciting is coming back tommorow. It begins with the letter Mm.....

I wonder who can figure it out. If you know come and whisper it to me at school in the morning!

Sunday 17 March 2013

Gala 2013

What an amazing day we had! Thank you to everyone who helped to make it such a successful gala.
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Sunday 10 March 2013

Swimming Sports

On Friday we had the junior swimming sports. The children enjoyed sharing what they have learnt during swimming and competing in the races. Wlell done to all the children who took part in the swimming sports. You have all worked hard during swimming and have made fantastic progress. Thank you to everyone who came to support the children. It was great to see all of you there!

NOTICE: Due to the beautiful weather we are having, we are going to keep the swimming pool open so we can have swims to cool off!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Our Goal

This week our goal has been: To perservere when things are hard.
We read the book 'Keep Trying'.

Here are some things that we are persevering at:

Christian: I have to keep persevering to learn to ride my bike.

Matthew: I have to keep persevering to climb a tree and put my head under the water.

Sophie: I have to keep persevering to learn how to blow bubbles in the water.

Joshua: I have to keep persevering to learn to ride my bike.

Mikayla: I have to keep persevering to be a starfish in the water.

Abbie: I have to keep persevering to learn to ride my roller skates.

Maggie: I have to keep persevering to learn how to ride my bike without trainer wheels.

Daniel: I have to keep persevering to learn how to pack my bag.

Maggie asked Mrs Lynch what she is going to persevere at.............

Mrs Lynch: I need to keep persevering to be able to run a half marathon.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

The Letter Yy

We have been learning the letter Yy this week. Abbie and Sophie went on a yellow hunt around the school.
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Monday 4 March 2013

Our Visitor

Today Manu from Te Manawa came to Halcombe School to teach us about maoritanga. We saw some musical instruments and he played some of them for us. We learnt how to hongi. Manu showed us how a carving is done and what tools are used. He taught us a waiata as well.

Written by Room 7

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Room 7 has been working hard in swimming. Some of the things that we have been learning are: Putting our heads under the water, blowing bubbles, being straight like a pencil, floating on the water and kicking with fast little feet. We cant wait to show off what we can do on Friday in the Junior Swimming Sports.
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