Thursday 30 May 2013

Pyjama and Pie Day

Wow! We had such a fun day today. We loved dressing up in our pyjamas. At lunch time some of us had a pie! They were really yummy! Thank you to the student council for organising Pyjama and Pie day. We are looking forward to the next exciting event!

Friday 17 May 2013

Team Work

Sophie and Christian worked together to do this Alphabet puzzle. They worked together and did not give up. They were very proud of themselves!

Photos taken by Sophie and Chrisitan

The Letter Bb

We have been busy learning about the letter Bb. Today Bella and Natala made the letter Bb out of play dough.

We also made collage butterflies with Mrs Goodwin. They were lots of fun to make and the look really amazing.


Thursday 16 May 2013

Blowing Balloons

This week we have been learning about the letter Bb. On Thursday we blew up balloons.  Some of us found this a bit tricky but we didn't give up and we kept trying. When we blew up the balloons and then let them go, they flew crazily around the room and made a funny naughty sound. We thought it sounded and looked hilarious!

By Room 7
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Saturday 11 May 2013

Small Ball Skills

We are learning how to throw and catch small balls. This is quite tricky! We need to keep persevering and practicing to get better at this.
We know that we need to keep our eyes on the ball - if we dont watch the ball it runs away.

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We visited the library on Friday afternoon. We learnt about how to care and respect our library books so they last a long time. We also learnt how to return the books. We worked with our learning buddy to do this. We love visiting the library and taking books home.

Thank you Mrs Otter for all your hard work to make our library wonderful.

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