Tuesday 25 November 2014

Room 7 and 1 Class Trip

We had such a fun morning learning about alpacas. We learnt that alapcas are shorn once a year, a baby alpaca is called a "cria" and there are many different things that can be made out of their soft wool such as jerseys and baby booties. To end the day we had lunch and a swim at the Makino Aquatic Centre.


Wednesday 5 November 2014

Our Learning

Room 7 have been doing awesome learning this week! Check out our photos...

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Halcombe School Pet Day 2014

What an awesome Pet Day we have had! Well done, to everyone who brought their pet to school. There were some very well behaved animals. The classroom crafts were impressive too with lots of time and effort put into these. Everyone did a fantastic job!

Sunday 26 October 2014

We have started our "Marvellous Materials" science unit! Last week we enjoyed exploring different types of materials to help us understand what a material is, and what materials can be used for. We are looking forward to learning more!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Each day someone new will get to take home Room 7's news bag.
Sam was the first person to take it home. Thank you Sam for sharing all your things that started with the letter 'T'. We all enjoyed guessing what was in the bag! 

Monday 13 October 2014


It's TERM FOUR!!! We are looking forward to all the exciting things planned for this term.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Hot dogs and Spiders

Room 7 had a yummy lunch today!! Thank you Student Council, for the delicious hot dogs and different coloured spider drinks! We were very lucky.

Saturday 30 August 2014

Fireman Visit

On Friday we had a visit from the Halcombe Fire Brigade. The Student Council and Tyler presented them with the money we fundraised on 'Red Day' for the Blood and Leukaemia foundation. Room 7 were very lucky and were able to try on a fireman helmet and sit in the fire engine. Here are some photos of the visit.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Red Day

Today is 'Red Day'. Halcombe School dressed in red and  raised money to support the Blood and Leukaemia foundation. We had a parade to show off our radical red outfits. Ella and Tyler won a prize for being the best dressed in Room 7. You all look terrific Room 7!

Saturday 16 August 2014

Monday 11 August 2014

Mini Commonwealth Games

We had our own Commonwealth Games at school yesterday. The Student Council organised lots of fun activities. The teachers had to choose 3 children who  tried hard and supported their team during the games. These children all got medals. Well done, Tahlia, Emily and Finn for winning medals. Thank you to the Student Council for such a great day! We had lots of fun. Here are some photos:

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Cloud Paint

Room 7 had lots of fun making cloud paint today. They mixed shaving foam and PVA glue together with our hands. The cloud paint was very sticky and fluffy. The children used their fingers and cotton buds to create pictures. All the children had lots of fun making a mess and exploring with the cloud paint. We got cloud paint everywhere! What a fun afternoon!
Here is a brainstorm of our activity:

Here are some photos of Room 7 children exploring with cloud paint!



Tuesday 5 August 2014

Look at us go!

Today Room 7 worked with some Room 6 children to create some photos. It was called 'Blue Screening'. We chose some photos of athletes competing at the Commonwealth Games and then we used a computer program called 'Umajin' to put our faces on the athletes bodies. We had to make sure our heads were facing the right way and we had to try and make the same face as the athletes. Here are some photos of us working with our buddies.

Here are our pictures. We had lots of fun making these pictures.

Thank you Miss Simpson and Room 6 for helping us make our pictures. 

Friday 1 August 2014


We have had more medal competitions this week. Yesterday the competition was 'The fastest runner in room 7'. Here are our medal winners.

Our next medal competition was: Keeping our bags and shoes tidy. Here are our medal winners

Sunday 27 July 2014

Commonwealth Games

Room 7 has been learning about the Commonwealth Games. We have been following the New Zealand team and have been keeping a chart with all of our medals. We like watching all of the different sports. Today we watched rugby, netball and shot put.
We are having our own competitions in Room 7. Today the competition was: 'Sitting in our learning position'. Room 7 had to work hard at sitting still on the mat. We needed to sit still, listen carefully, sit on our bottoms and keep our hands still. All the children tried very hard.
The medal winners were:
1st Place: Emily
2nd Place: Skyla
3rd Place: Jayna-Lee

The children received their medals on the podium and then we sang the national anthem of New Zealand.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Burger Day

YUM, YUM, YUM, YUM! We had yummy burgers for lunch today.
Thank you Miss Simpson adn the Student Council for making them today!

Washing Hands

Room 7 have been learning about keeping germs away. Yesterday we learnt about when and how to wash our hands.

We need to wash our hands:
1. When we go to the toilet
2. After playing outside
3. Before eating
4. If we touch something a bit yucky.

.............. When our hands are dirty!


Tuesday 24 June 2014

Fraction Action

This week Room 7 is learning about fractions. We made toast and cut our toast in half. When we cut something in half we have to cut it down the middle so each side is the same. It was quite hard to cut the toast in half but we got there. The toast was really yum!

Burger Day

Don't forget to order one of these yummy burgers!