Wednesday 26 February 2014

Dog Safety

Yesterday Kelly Jordan came to our classroom to help us learn about keeping safe around dogs. It is important to be safe around dogs. Some dogs can be dangerous and they can bite us or scratch us. Kelly bought her bull dog Keg in with her. He was a puppy and was trying to bite Kelly's shoelaces.

Some of the rules that we learnt are:

1. Always ask the owner first before you pat a dog.

2. Let a dog sniff your hand first before you pat them.

3. Never pat a dog on head: On their back or under their chin is best.

4. Never go near a dog when it is eating its dinner.

5. Keep your face away from the dogs face.

Thank you Kelly for teaching us about dog safety.

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Beach Trip

What an amazing trip to the beach we had yesterday! We learnt about keeping safe at the beach, we played some beach games, built sand castles, saw some of the equipment the life guards use and we had the best swim ever! It was a really hot day and the swim helped us to cool off. The beach was lots of fun!

Here are some photos of the day:

Thank you to all the parents who came along to help at the beach. We really appreciate your support.

Lunch Boxes

On Tuesday Room 7 and 1 made a pictograph. We wanted to find out which colour lunch box was there the most of.

We made 2 statements about what we found out:
We had the most pink lunch boxes.
Only 1 person has a black lunch box.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Road Safety

Yesterday Constable Sarah visited Room 7 and 1 to help us learn about road safety. The road is very dangerous and the traffic goes very fast and could hurt us. We learnt that we need to wear bright clothes so that the traffic can see us. We learnt about how to cross the road and how to walk safely down the road if there is no foot path. We went for a walk down the road and we crossed the train tracks safely.
Ka pai Room 1 and 7. You are all very road safe.

Monday 3 February 2014

Sun Safety

The sun is very hot and it can hurt our skin. We know how to keep safe in the sun!

Wear a hat

Wear sunblock on our bare skin.

Wear sun glasses to protect our eyes.


Don't spend too long in the sun, find some shade if you can.

Drink lots of water on hot days.

 Ka Pai Room 7! You are all very sun safe!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Our Safe Meeting Place

Today we practiced a fire drill. When we hear a loud voice telling us to 'evacuate the building' we need to walk fast to our meeting place on the front court.

Saturday 1 February 2014

Keeping Safe at School

On Friday the builders arrived to start working on our school hall. Room 7 went to have a look at what they were doing.

The builders have put up this tall fence and orange wire to make sure children don't go near the building site.

Keeping Ourselves Safe

For the first 6 weeks of term 1 we are learning about 'Keeping Ourselves Safe'. On Friday we brainstormed what we know about dangers and how to keep safe.
Here is what we already know:

Dangerous things:
-Fires and ovens are hot
-Four wheeler motorbikes
-Tree huts up high
-Train tracks
-Riding a bike on the road

How we can keep safe:
-In an earthquake get under a table
-Wear a cycle helmet
-Wear a seatbelt
-In a fire, get out fast
-Wear a helmet on a four wheeler motorbike
-When you cross the road, look left and right
