Saturday 12 April 2014

Spots and Stripes Day

On Friday we had Spots and Stripes Day. This was lots of fun. Everyone dressed up in spotty and stripy clothes. There were some very funny clothes that people wore. We had a school parade and some people won a prize for the best costume in their class. Jordan and Emily were the best dressed in Room 7. At lunchtime we had a sausage sizzle. They were very delicious!
Thank you to Miss Simpson and the Student Council for organising this day.

Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Minstrel

On Tuesday The Minstrel visited Halcombe School. He taught us some fishing rulesWhen we go fishing we need to make sure they are the right size, if they are too small we need to put them back. If you catch a fish and it is really big you should put it back to because it might have babies inside it's tummy. A very important rule that we all need to follow is: Always wear a life jacket when you are out on the water. The Minstrel told funny jokes and sung some songs. We all enjoyed singing along and dancing with Mr and Mrs Minstrel.