Thursday 29 May 2014

Nude Food Challenge

Well done Room 7! We did it. We reduced our rubbish this week from 40 all the way down to 19 pieces. Lets keep it up next week!

We have been working hard on reducing our rubbish. Today we looked at how many paper towels we use when we wash our hands. There were lots of paper towels wasted.

What are we going to do to reduce the paper towels we use?

Here are our ideas:
-Take a buddy with us to make sure we only use 1 paper towel
-Make a sign to put in the toilet to remind us how many paper towels to use

Room 7's Song

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Nude Food update

Room 7 are doing such a great job with our Nude Food Challenge. Our rubbish total for today is: 20! Wow, isn't that amazing! Look below to see pictures of lunch boxes with no rubbish at all!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

10 Minutes!

Just 10 minutes a day and look at the difference it makes! Thank you for reading to and with your children each day!

Wow! We are reducing our rubbish!

Our 'Nude Food' challenge is going really well. Guess what? Today some children had no rubbish in their lunchboxes. Well done!
We counted all of our rubbish and our total was:  25
Ka Pai Room 7!
Here are some great ways to help reduce the rubbish in our lunchboxes!

Monday 26 May 2014

Nude Food Challenge

This week Room 7 is having a Nude Food challenge. Nude food is food that is not wrapped up in anything. Last week we had 40 pieces of rubbish! Wow that is heaps. Today we counted all our bits of rubbish and guess how many pieces we had?

We had only 25 pieces of rubbish. What a great start to our challenge Room 7!

Instead of wrapping our food we could use:
-Plastic container
-Reuseable plastic bag.

I wonder how many pieces we will have tomorrow?

Thank you to Mums and Dads for helping us with our Nude Food week challenge.

Thursday 22 May 2014

'Weally Exciting'

Wow! Look at what is happening at school soon.

Te Reo

We have been learning te reo. Next week we are going to learn the days of the week. Here is a poster to help us. Thank you for your support at home.


Tuesday 13 May 2014


This term we are learning about rubbish and how we can reduce it. Today we looked at all the rubbish in our lunch boxes. There was gladwrap, chip packets, muesli bar wrappers, plastic bags and food scraps. We also brainstormed all the different types of rubbish we put into our rubbish bins - we had lots of ideas. I asked Room 7:

Who has made some rubbish today?

Look what we found out:
We all make rubbish!