Tuesday 24 June 2014

Fraction Action

This week Room 7 is learning about fractions. We made toast and cut our toast in half. When we cut something in half we have to cut it down the middle so each side is the same. It was quite hard to cut the toast in half but we got there. The toast was really yum!

Burger Day

Don't forget to order one of these yummy burgers!

Sunday 15 June 2014


On Friday Room 7 sorted a whole lot of rubbish into bins - glass, plastic, paper and cardboard and cans. We have been learning about recycling. When you take rubbish to the recycling centre it gets sorted and sent away to be made into new things.

Next week we are going to bring some rubbish from home to recycle in our classroom. We will take it to the recycling centre so it can all get made into other things. Well done Room 7 for helping look after our environment!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Recycling Centre

Yesterday Room 7 and 1 visited the Palmerston North Recycling Centre. We learnt about all the things we can recycle and what happens to our recycling. Pip Chrystal showed us a movie about recycling in Palmerston North and then we went out the back to see the recycling. We saw lots of machinary and it was very noisy and smelly. We had to wear bright orange vests and safety goggles to keep ourselves safe. We learnt a lot about recycling.
Thank you to the mums and dad for coming along on our trip.

Saturday 7 June 2014

Wheels Day

On Friday we had Wheels Day. It was such a fun afternoon scootering around the school. The course went all the way around the school and into the carpark.Some of Room 7 got pretty tired and needed a bit of a rest. Thank you Student Council for organising this wonderful day.