Sunday 27 July 2014

Commonwealth Games

Room 7 has been learning about the Commonwealth Games. We have been following the New Zealand team and have been keeping a chart with all of our medals. We like watching all of the different sports. Today we watched rugby, netball and shot put.
We are having our own competitions in Room 7. Today the competition was: 'Sitting in our learning position'. Room 7 had to work hard at sitting still on the mat. We needed to sit still, listen carefully, sit on our bottoms and keep our hands still. All the children tried very hard.
The medal winners were:
1st Place: Emily
2nd Place: Skyla
3rd Place: Jayna-Lee

The children received their medals on the podium and then we sang the national anthem of New Zealand.

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Burger Day

YUM, YUM, YUM, YUM! We had yummy burgers for lunch today.
Thank you Miss Simpson adn the Student Council for making them today!

Washing Hands

Room 7 have been learning about keeping germs away. Yesterday we learnt about when and how to wash our hands.

We need to wash our hands:
1. When we go to the toilet
2. After playing outside
3. Before eating
4. If we touch something a bit yucky.

.............. When our hands are dirty!